2318 N Palmetto Fort Drive Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
in contract | Single Family | Built in 2000
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2318 N Palmetto Fort Drive Mount Pleasant, SC 29466
in contract | Single Family | Built in 2000
The Details
About 2318 N Palmetto Fort Drive, Mount Pleasant, Charleston, SC 29466
key features
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Mount Pleasant
True to its name, Mount Pleasant frequently lands on lists of “Best Places to Live,” and is one of country’s fastest-growing small cities. Located just over the Cooper River from Charleston, Mount Pleasant sits next to the barrier islands of Isle of Palms and Sullivan’s Island, making it a quick trip to either downtown or the beach. The Isle of Palms Connector, aka Highway 517, serves as the unofficial divider between the two parts of town: South of the Connector has older, denser neighborhoods, including the historic Old Village and the New Urbanism community of I’On, while north of the Connector offers new construction in more traditional suburban communities, with subdivisions that boast community pools, tennis courts, and golf courses. Mount Pleasant has plenty of great dining and shopping, including the area’s only branch of Trader Joe’s, plus a weekly seasonal farmers market.