3 Knolls Court Woodstock, NY 12498
sold | Townhouse | Built in 1988
- Annual Tax: $6,896.00
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3 Knolls Court Woodstock, NY 12498
sold | Townhouse | Built in 1988
- Annual Tax: $6,896.00
The Details
About 3 Knolls Court, Woodstock, Ulster, NY 12498
One of the oldest towns in Ulster County, Hurley is a vast, geographically-distributed community that spans the distance from Kingston to Woodstock, much of which lies squarely in the boundaries of Catskill Park. Settled in the 1660s by Peter Stuyvesant, the town’s present name was conferred after passing from Dutch to British rule, and it briefly served as a temporary capital of New York State. Much early Colonial architecture is preserved within the Hurley Historic District, which encompasses most of the town’s principal hamlet. That small, central hub is flanked by square mile upon square mile of largely-unspoiled wilds that have changed little over the past five centuries, playing host to quiet retreats and world-class outdoor recreation. West Hurley, which lies north of the Ashokan Reservoir, adds a corridor of inns, restaurants, and other businesses on Route 28, along with a recently-completed rail trail.