501-815656 COM. EUGENIO SOSA BO. GUZMAN ABAJO #113 CALLE 10, 113 Calle 10 RIO GRANDE, PR 00745
in contract | Single Family | Built in 1980
- Available Immediately
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501-815656 COM. EUGENIO SOSA BO. GUZMAN ABAJO #113 CALLE 10, 113 Calle 10 RIO GRANDE, PR 00745
in contract | Single Family | Built in 1980
- Available Immediately
The Details
About 501-815656 COM. EUGENIO SOSA BO. GUZMAN ABAJO #113 CALLE 10, 113 Calle 10, RIO GRANDE, Ro Grande, PR 00745
key features
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Rio Grande
Río Grande is located at the confluence of two rivers, the eponymous Río Grande and the Río Espíritu Santo. It’s also home to El Yunque, a 28,000-acre tropical rainforest that includes multiple waterfalls, ancient petroglyphs of Taíno deities, and an astounding diversity of flora and fauna. Only an hour drive from San Juan, Rio Grande is a popular spot for vacation homes. Fittingly, the area boasts several destination resort hotels, including the St. Regis Bahía Beach Resort, Wyndham Grand Rio Mar, and the Hyatt Regency Grand Reserve. Residences ranging from small condos to large villas are available for sale at the three resorts, all of which come with resort amenities, including golf course and pool access. The area also has properties available outside of the resorts. Rio Grande has a well-known dining scene, with roadside barbeque, fusion sushi, and fresh seafood among its specialties.