53 Valerie Drive Yonkers, NY 10703
in contract | Single Family | Built in 1963
- Annual Tax: $9,361.00
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53 Valerie Drive Yonkers, NY 10703
in contract | Single Family | Built in 1963
- Annual Tax: $9,361.00
The Details
About 53 Valerie Drive, Yonkers, Westchester County, NY 10703
key features
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Yonkers is just up the Hudson from the Bronx border, a storied community filled with a variety of distinct neighborhoods. The urbanized downtown, called Getty Square, boasts a revitalized waterfront, with a sleek skyline of residential towers. Downtown is also where you’ll find the Beaux-Arts train station that serves Amtrak and Metro-North. Inland, you’ll find the Carpet Mills Arts District, a sprawling live-work complex of repurposed red brick factory buildings. Indeed, Yonkers’ cultural cachet has grown in recent decades: The city is home to the Untermeyer Gardens Conservancy, a 43-acre public garden that has been undergoing a significant restoration, earning it the status of one of New York’s great horticultural marvels. And the Hudson River Museum is an art, science, and history museum that includes Glenview, an 1877 house that features prominently in television’s The Gilded Age, as well as the only public planetarium in Westchester County.