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Get to Know Millburn and Short Hills

Millburn Township is generally referred to by two names: Millburn, for the southern part of the township, and Short Hills, for the northern part. Though Short Hills is often spoken of as a separate town, Millburn and Short Hills are part of the same municipality, sharing one school system. Short Hills was developed in the late 1800s by Stewart Hartshorn, inventor of the spring roller shade, who hired some of the most well-known architects of the time to build more than 100 homes, each situated on its own knoll. He also planned the roads so that they would wind around the hills, leaving in place the giant trees that contribute to the town’s sylvan splendor and that still stand today. Millburn and Short Hills boast some of suburban Jersey’s most coveted real estate, thanks to the beautiful houses and the convenience of its shopping and dining areas, including the famous Mall at Short Hills.

Living in Northern New Jersey

Northern New Jersey is often thought of as a series of New York City suburbs, but in true Jersey spirit, the region has a definite personality of its own. Many of the villages here — or rather, townships and boroughs as they are known in Jersey parlance — offer a mix of small-town charm and big-city culture. These are places where there’s still a village green in the middle of town and walkable downtowns with family-owned businesses. Here, you’ll find a pharmacy with an old-fashioned ice cream counter that can make an egg cream on the spot and a diner inside a railroad car. But Northern New Jersey is also home to much of New York City’s commuting creative class, which means excellent bookstores, a world-class film festival, and a tiny newspaper — the Montclair Local — whose board is packed with top editors from the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal.