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Get to Know South Portland

South Portland is the newest addition to Portland’s quadrants, bringing the total of city regions to six. Though the creation of South Portland in 2020 makes the city an official sextant of districts, everyone still refers to South Portland as the “sixth quadrant.” Call it Portland math, but in any case, this newest narrow strip of the city is happy to finally have its own name. South Portland encompasses both older, historical neighborhoods like John’s Landing, Lair Hill (named for the lawyer and author William Lair Hill and not its elevation), Terwilliger, and Corbett, as well as the very new neighborhood of the South Waterfront. South Portland is home to Lewis & Clark College; as well as the waterfront Willamette Park; the South Waterfront Greenway, an urban park and walkway that stretches along Willamette River; and Tilikum Crossing, the first major car-free bridge in the country.

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Living in Portland

Portland is a city that’s almost close to perfect, an astonishingly beautiful and lush destination that has an incredibly well-defined sense of self. Portland residents are a welcoming bunch and pride themselves on their community spirit, with each neighborhood serving as its own little local village. Sure, Portland’s fondness for analog culture in a digital world might be frequently satirized, but the vintage clothing–clad, kombucha- and craft-beer-drinking denizens of the Rose City are sitting pretty, knowing that they’ve been ahead of the curve in cool for decades. And though Portland has many (many!) record stores, bookstores, and farmers markets (all with the benefit of no sales tax on any purchase), the area does boast its own well-known tech corridor, the Silicon Forest. Portland also has a strong advertising agency scene, where creatives compete for Nike and Adidas accounts, as both rival shoe companies are headquartered in the region.